© 2010 Website & design by Deborah Hanson


Collectors of Art in Miniature

Collectors of antique, vintage and contemporary buttons first organized as the National Button Society in 1938. Since that time state societies and local clubs have sprung up to help collectors find a home in this fascinating hobby, now with over 3,000 members from around the world.

The Northeast Regional Button Association meeting has become a perennial favorite on the show schedule since it was founded in 1985.The member states of the Association are Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New York. Any collector can become a member of the Association and receive semi-annual newsletters simply by enrolling as a member of one of the Association’s states. Your name will automatically be added to our mailing list. Each state also hosts its own meetings throughout the year and state members benefit from receiving information about local button happenings.

To become a member of NERBA

you become a member of one of these state button societies:

Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,

New York, Rhode Island or Vermont

As soon as you are a member of one of these states

you are automatically a member of NERBA!

Additional NERBA news can also be obtained

by contacting the following state web sites:

               CT    --- connecticutstatebuttonsociety.org

               MA   --- mastatebuttonsociety.org

               NY   --- nystatebuttonsociety.org

               NH   --- nhstatebuttonsociety.org